Anahata Chakra, also known as Heart Chakra is located in the chest at the level of the heart. The Heart Chakra is related to the element air and shows our ability to love ourselves, kindness and compassion. A balanced Heart Chakra means that you love and accept yourself as you are. It means that you can love and show understanding for other people and both give and receive love. The body parts associated with the Heart Chakra are the heart, lungs, arms, hands and skin.
There are a number of crystals that are related to each chakra. The energies of these crystals have a positive effect on the chakra and may help an unbalanced chakra regain its balance. The crystal we have chosen to use for the Heart Chakra is the Peridot.
Peridot is a powerful cleaner and aura protector. It balances the Heart Chakra and our ability to give and receive unconditional love. It has a revitalizing effect on the mind and restores the ability to see beauty. Releasing toxins from the body, Peridot has purifying and energizing qualities, known to increase mental focus and opens the mind to be more receptive to learning. It works excellent as a daily antidepressant and instills self-worth and motivation, creating feelings of joy and harmony.
- Crystal: Peridot
- Size of Pendant: ca 2 x 1,3 cm
- Sterling Silver (Silver)
- 18K Gold Plated Silver (Gold)