Start using your pendulum today by following these simple steps. Be sure to learn more about pendulums in our upcoming pendulum course. Working with a pendulum is a fantastic and effective way to access answers to your wishes.
When we work with a pendulum, we connect to our higher consciousness, the inner wisdom that is in contact with the universal wisdom. You can also seek contact with other higher beings, such as guides and angels.

Before you start using a new pendulum, we recommend cleansing it from previous energies. It is fine to do so with the power of thought, a cleansing mist spray, like our Essential Soul Mists, incense for smudging, other pendulums or crystals, such as Clear Quartz or Citrine. When you purchase your pendulum from us, it is cleansed,
re-energized and blessed by us prior to sending them.
After you have performed your cleansing ritual, it is time to adjust the pendulum's response. This is done by holding the pendulum and asking it to show you a "yes" and then asking it to show you a "no".
The first time you start working with a pendulum, you need to get to know which movements and in which direction the pendulum wants to communicate the answers with. Keep in mind that this is only needed for the first time, the movements shown then are the ones that continue to apply to all pendulums you will be working with.
The pendulum can show a "yes" by spinning clockwise and a "no" by spinning counterclockwise. Or vice versa. Or a "yes" can be displayed by pendulating vertically and a "no" by pendulating horizontally. Or vice versa.
The importance of working with a pendulum is that it shows you two clear distinct answers. To attune yourself to your new pendulum is therefore important and should be done in respect and reverence. That is where you will receive the most clear messages and answers.
When working with a pendulum, it is important to ask clear questions that can be answered with an either yes or a no. If no answers were given, i.e. if the pendulum does not move or moves indistinctly, it is most likely due to the question being incorrectly formulated. Another way to receive an answer via a pendulum is to use diagrams with written answers, such as a problem-solving diagram for illness, and ask the pendulum to show the answer on the diagram.
Use your pendulum as your personal energy tool, do not let anyone else use or work with it. If it still falls into
someone else's hands, be sure to cleanse it after use. Working with a pendulum is incredibly fun, rewarding and educational. With its help, we increase our self-awareness and strengthen our intuition.
If you want to learn more about pendulums, we recommend one of our courses.
Pendulum courses are held regularly in-person (see the calendar for upcoming events) and online.
Read more about our online courses below.